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22. desember 2006 Forsætisráðuneytið

Bréf forsætisráðherra til forseta Alþjóðasamtaka flugumferðarstjóra

Forsætisráðuneytið hefur í dag sent forseta Alþjóðasamtaka flugumferðarstjóra svar við bréfi hans um þær breytingar er verða nú um áramótin þegar nýtt félag, Flugstoðir ohf., tekur við verkefnum Flugmálastjórnar. Texti bréfsins fer hér á eftir:

Dear Mr. Baumgartner.

I refer to your letter dated 21 December 2006 regarding your concern about the transfer of undertakings of Air Navigation Services and Airport operations in Iceland to the state owned limited company Flugstodir ohf. In particular you raise some issues that have been under extensive discussion between the Icelandic Air Traffic Controllers Association and the Board of Flugstodir for some time. We note your concern on these issues.

Your letter, i.a., states that "the spirit of the law ....... has been unjustifiably violated". Also it advises me that the "government has a responsibility to guarantee civil servants fair treatment in this transition phase, however .... there is a lack of political will to do so" and that "the onus is on your government to orchestrate a morally acceptable and legally correct solutions to these problems." While we appreciate IFATCA’s interest in this matter the Icelandic Government takes serious issue with these statments and can only surmise that they must have been made without your having had all relevant facts at your disposal.

In order to clarify the position of the Government of Iceland I wish to state the following. The basic premise of the transfer of the above services from the Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration to Flugstodir is that all employees retain the terms and provisions defined in their present contracts. In the case of ICEATCA their contract is in effect until the end of February 2008. Moreover the Board of Flugstodir has declared that all pension rights will be guaranteed regardless of employee´s eligibility for the government pension plan of which all employees have been advised in writing. This has been accepted by all other unions concerned except ICEATCA. It has also been accepted by close to thirty ICEATCA controllers who have agreed to be tranferred to Flugstodir.

The Icelandic authorities are fully cognisant of the different interpretion of ICEATCA of the laws pertaining to the transfer of the responsibility for services from the ICAA and the methodology used for this purpose. However this opinion is not shared by the Icelandic authorities and in no way does it justify the opening of an existing labour contract.

I would like to take this opportunity to assure IFATCA that the employees of the ICAA who will be accepting a transfer to Flugstodir will in no way suffer a financial penalty due to this process. This applies to the members of ICEATCA as well as all members of all other employee unions. In view of the relevant acts the Icelandic Government has no plans to renegotiate union contracts as a part of this transfer. However as the owner of Flugstodir the Government will of course ensure that the company honours all its obligations to its employees.

 Reykjavík 22. desember 2006

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